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Showing posts from October, 2009

Crazy Approach into GYR

This flight I'm flying right seat for a friend (Dave) practicing IAP.  The podcast isn't the whole flight just coming back into Goodyear (GYR) when it got a little interesting. here is a link direct to the file but you can always subscribe to the podcast using iTunes by clicking the link on the side. Dave Click here to view this route in 3D using Google Earth

Fly-in Breakfast with Nick

This is my first try at a podcast:  For those of you who don't know what is that is I found a good little article about what it is. I started to record cockpit audio and when I go on my flights. I haven't really got is all down with the recording and me narrating the podcast but I'll get better as I go. This flight is off to a fly-in breakfast that the Coolidge airport put on the first sat of every month in the fall, winter and spring month. So this was the kick off for the after the hot summer. here is a few pics: Stearmans flying over (sorry about the camera smudge) Andy and I next to he's pitts, if only it had two seats. Great J-3 Cub very nice newly painted Citabria Blue is there red is back Click here to see the above map in 3D with google earth

New Born

This past week has been crazy. On Friday Oct. 9, 2009 I became a father to my first child. Shadrach or just Shad. It really is a wonderful thing to be a father and really all the emotions of being a father that I've hear people talk about start to make since as I start to make these small steps in my life. Here is a shot of right after he was born.