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Form 5

This morning I took my Form 5 checkride and passed.

A few weeks ago I talked about how I had joined the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and am having a blast. There is a link on the side bar too. I joined to help build my flight hours and also the idea of low-level search and rescue (SAR) sounds fun to me too. Today was the first step to be coming a SAR mission pilot I took what is called the Form 5 flight evaluation which basically lets everyone know that you are serious about flying for CAP. What it is, is a mini private pilot checkride that is very relaxed. What we did was took-off from Chandler and stayed over the farm fields between there and Casa Grande. Did some things like steep turns, stalls, turns around a point, and landings. I didn't do everything perfect (maybe I'm too hard on myself) but I thought I did well and my instructor did too and passed me.

Like I said this is just the first step. Getting the Form 5 means I can rent a CAP plane if I want which I pay and I can also transport it or people if needed for CAP which is paid for (free time). Nothing to do with SAR though that is Form 91 and I have lots of paper work and training in between to get there. I dosen't go in order 5 through 91 but it might be that much paperwork. But I'm having fun doing it all.


paula said…
Go Trevor! CAP is goig to find out how lucky they are to have you.

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