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Valley Rally take 2 and Thatcher

well to start with the weekend and yes we went to Thatcher. It's is south east Arizona for those that don't know what I'm talking about. We went to go see the home coming talk from my cousin Kade. He just got back from his mission in Vera Cruz Mexico. I thought it was a 3 hour drive there, but when we plugged all the info in to our new GPS, not that we needed to I'd been there a thousand times but we just wanted to try it out, it said it was only going to be just under a 2 1/2 hours which I thought was weird. I didn't even speed and it took just over 2 hours so I don't know if I went super slow the other time I went but it was weird. Kade gave a good talk and it was to good to see the family and all. 

Then to day I had no math homework. :) and I did the same flight that I did last week so I could practice really doing good on the radios. I was much better. I really love flying it so fun to look over everything and just cruise along I almost forget it's school, until I have to pay for it.


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