My 2 year old son Shad, brother in-law Jayce and I went to the Miramar air show a few weeks ago. It was way cool and Shad loved it. I really wanted to go and se the Blue Angels for the first time. And that was awesome as well. I don't know if it is because I'm partial to the Navy they performed much better then the Air Force Thunderbirds that I saw back in March. Their tolerances seemed much tighter, and precision just a little bit higher. I was a great time had by all.
It was that time again to renew my FAA medical, and if you are like me then you are new to the FAA's online process. The FAA have stream lined the process on a new web site at . The Stuck Mic AvCast did a recent episode on the process on MedXpress. Having just finished I'll recap what I did. First if you are a 20-something like me the the online form at MedXpress is extremely easy to fill out to set up an account on the MedXpress site. The site only has one form to fill out. FAA Form 8500-8. This is the old form that you used to fill out at the doctors office. After filling it out online you can print it out and save it as a PDF file. I love saving things as a PDF I have a folder in the DropBox cloud service that I keep all of my important papers so I don't lose it. This online process is just for the FAA Form 8500-8 so if you have any special considerations those must still be filled out by hand. I recently got LASIK and didn't really know
James David teaches people how to buy single engine airplanes & has a passion for the Cessna 177