It all started on Sunday I get a call from my mom and she says we have to come over they have a surprise to show us. With that I knew they bought something and I knew it's has to big because they won't tell us what it was. I thought it a car or a new TV. I was hoping it was a TV because then we would get there old one. They told all this while we were at urgent care finding out Jessica has strep. After getting the meds and getting Jessica comfortable I went to my parents and I pulled in the drive and saw 2 new cars a Nissan Titan and an Xterra.
My dad had always wanted a truck and has been trying to get on for the past 10 years or so. I guess there was a deal in the paper where you could buy one car and get another for a dollar so they did that and got the 2nd car planning on selling it before they have to pay anything on it.
I took them both for a test drive I like them both. So if there is anyone out there that wants a 2008 Xterra with less then 100 miles on it let them or me know. I think they're asking $23,000 OBO.