Well today two big things happened we learned who McCain's pick for VP is. Now for the passed little while now I've been going back and forth about who I should vote for. When Obama picked his VP I wasn't to impressed about what the man did and stood for but now it's clear Palin sealed the deal for me. well just look at this:
She has a float plane! and loves to hunt and fish. How cool is that they got my vote.
Oh, if you haven't voted yet here place do so on the right side of the screen.
The other thing that happened today was I bought an AR-15 well sort-of. If you are wondering what an AR-15 is it's the semi-auto version of an M-16 see below:

But with my first piece I didn't buy that whole thing just the part with the serial number on it that part the government considers the "firearm" this:

It's not much I know and it will be a little while til I get all the parts together that I want and it needs to shoot. But it's a start and it'll be a fun project.